Post-Summer Skincare

Start Your Damage Control Now

Have you spent countless hours soaking in the sun this summer? You may have gotten more than you bargained for while tanning. Overexposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause skin damage and even skin cancer. And, don’t be fooled—just because you can’t see the damage immediately doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Sun damage often affects cells deep beneath the surface of your skin and can lurk there for several years before the damage is noticeable.

While many believe certain skin changes are inevitable as you age, most of the skin changes associated with aging actually result from overexposure to the sun. These skin changes, referred to as photoaging, can show up as brown and red spots, wrinkles, loose or sagging skin, unevenness in color, and a leathery texture—changes most would like to avoid.

The best bet to avoid these effects is to prevent them from occurring in the first place by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher and proper protective gear, such as hats and sunglasses. But what can you do if the damage is already done? There are many options, and fall is the best time to get started as many treatments increase sun sensitivity temporarily and are less effective on tan skin.

To figure out the best place to start, specialists at the Benefis Med Spa conduct a VISIA complexion analysis. The process involves taking several pictures of your face using a specialized machine that analyzes several key characteristics of your skin and allows you to see the skin damage that is beneath the surface.

“Being able to actually see the sun damage on a screen and what you will look like in a few years as a result is very eye opening for our clients,” said Deana Moler, Aesthetics Registered Nurse at Benefis Med Spa. “This technology makes the issues come to life for our clients and allows us to really tailor our treatment and prevention efforts to address an individual’s unique skincare needs.”

After conducting a VISIA complexion analysis, an Aesthetic Registered Nurse will work directly with the client to develop a custom treatment plan based on the results. An individual’s treatment plan will depend on the extent of the skin damage, desired results and timeframe to see them, and desired budget.

Treatment options range from over-the-counter and medical grade “lotions and potions” all the way to more extensive plastic surgery options. Over-the-counter and prescription grade creams and lotions are used to treat many minor-to-moderate skin concerns. However, they have their limitations in effectiveness and time to see results. For more advanced damage and quicker results, the Benefis Med Spa has many additional treatments including laser treatments, LimeLight Facials, Botox, medical peels, dermal fillers, Rejuvapen treatments, and more.

To learn more, schedule your free personalized consultation, including a VISIA complexion analysis, today. Call the Benefis Med Spa at (406) 455-2845 to schedule an appointment.